Jan 18 - Celtic Connections Festival (with Cahalan Morrison)
Jan 25 - Celtic Connections Festival (with Imar)
Feb 1 - Celtic Connections Festival (Lauren MacColl with Rachel Newton, Anna Massie, Alice Allen, Mhairi Hall, Mairearad Green and James Lindsay) Tickets
Feb 2 - Celtic Connections Festival (with Ellen MacDonald)
Feb 13 - Cecil Sharp House, London (RANT)
Feb 14 - Blaxhall Village Hall (RANT)
March 18 + 19 - Cruinn Còmhla' nights @ Chapel, Eden Court, Inverness (Rachel Newton & Lauren MacColl) Tickets
March 20 - Glad Cafe, Glasgow (Rachel Newton & Lauren MacColl) Tickets
March 21 - Otley Courthouse, Yorkshire (Rachel Newton & Lauren MacColl) Tickets
April 12 - St Anne's Church, Easton, Bristol (Rachel Newton & Lauren MacColl) Tickets
April 13 - Ropetackle Arts, Shoreham ((Rachel Newton & Lauren MacColl) Tickets
Jan 24 - Celtic Connections Festival (RANT) Details and tickets
Feb 15-18 - England Dates (RANT) Details and tickets
April 18-28 - Germany Tour with Rachel Newton
Thursday 18th April : Kornhaus, Bad Doberan : https://kornhaus-baddoberan.de/soziokulturelles-zentrum/veranstaltungsdetails/rachel-newton-lauren-maccoll-schottischer-folk/4e80a624395aa255c9f8393c9bb89412/
Friday 19th April : Alte Synagoge, Hagenow : https://museum-hagenow.de/wordpress/event/rachel-newton-lauren-maccoll/
Saturday 20th April : Savoy Kino, Bordesholm : https://savoy-bordesholm.de/termin/Rachel-Newton-and-Lauren-McCall-103352
Sunday 21st April : Gutshaus Dummerstorf, nr. Rostock : https://www.gutshaus-dummerstorf.de/veranstaltungen
Wednesday 24th April : Dominikanerkloster, Prenzlau :https://www.prenzlau.eu/cms/detail.php/brandenburg_06.c.828179.de?_mandant_id=land_bb_boa_01.c.360204.de&template=pz_veranstaltung_tmb_d
Thursday 25th April : Kulturzentrum mon ami, Weimar : https://www.monami-weimar.de/programm/einzelansicht/rachel-newton-lauren-maccoll
Friday 26th April : Petrus Kirche, Halle a.d.Saale : https://www.folk-club-halle.de/#sm_schottischerfruehling
Saturday 27th April : Kulturhaus, Rüdersdorf nr. Berlin :https://www.museumspark.de/events/rudersdorfer-folk-selection-rachel-newton-und-lauren-maccoll-im-kulturhaus
Sunday 28th April : Petrus Kirche, Berlin-Lichterfelde : https://petrus-kultur.de/veranstaltungen/veranstaltungskalender.html
May - England Dates + Orkney Folk Festival (RANT) Details and tickets
June 26 - The Barn, Banchory (Heal & Harrow) Tickets
June 28 - Catstrand, New Galloway (Heal & Harrow) Tickets
June 29 - West Barns Live, Dunbar Tickets
September - Various UK (RANT)
Feb 1 - Celtic Connections Festival (Hannah Rarity)
Feb 23 - Grainte Noir Festival, Aberdeen (Heal & Harrow)
Mar 10 - Rosehill Theatre, Cumbria (RANT)
March 13 - Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh (RANT)
March 23 - April 8 - UK TOUR (Salt House - Riverwoods release tour)
April 11th - Edinburgh International Harp Festival (Heal & Harrow)
April 29th - May 1st - Adult Fèis Rois, Ullapool. Teaching Fiddle and Groupwork
May 4th - Tradfest, Edinburgh (Kim Carnie)
May 12th - Baltoppen Live, Copenhagen (Kim Carnie)
May 27th - The Gathering, Inverness (Hannah Rarity and RANT)
June - RANT Scottish Dates - Various
July 14-16th - HebCelt Festival (Hannah Rarity & Kim Carnie)